MacMillan Clan and Tartan Infomation
Gaelic Name: MacGhilleMhaolain
Crest: A dexter and a sinister hand issuing from a Wreath grasping and brandishing aloft a two-handed sword, Proper
Motto: Misesris Succerere Disco (I learn to succour the unfortunate)
Origin of Name: Gaelic, Son of the bald or tonsured one
Badge: Holly
Lands: Lochaber, Argyll, and Galloway
Clan Chief: George MacMillan of MacMillan
Associated Names The following names are considered septs of Clan MacMillan: Baxter, Gibbon, Gibson, M’Ghille-Domhnuich, McMill, MacMill, McMull, MacMull, Bell, Beall, Lany, Lennie, Leny, Linholm, M’Ghille-Duinn M’Noccater, M’Nuccator, Bleu, Blew, MacBaxter, Baker, M’Ghille-Guirman, M’Vaxter, Blue, M’Bell, M’Ghille-ghuirm M’Veil, Brown, Broun, M’Callum, M’Hannanich, Mellan, Millan, Callum, M’Calman, M’Igeyll, M’Igheil, Mellanson, Melançon, Calman M’Can, M’Cannie, M’Ildonich, Millan, Can, Cane, M’Channanich, M’Ilduin, Millanson, Cannan, Channan, M’Colman, M’Colmin, M’Inville, M’Iveil, M’Iyell, Milliken, Millikin, Coleman, M’Geil, M’Geyll, M’Kan, M’Kane, Milligan, Mulligan, Colman, Colmin, M’Gibbon, M’Gibson, M’Kean, M’Kenn, Mullan, Mullen, Connon, M’Gill, M’Maoldonich, and WalkerMacMillan Clan History
The Clan MacMillan has its roots in an ancient royal house and from the orders [...]
MacMillan Tartans
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I'm an experienced content writer and copywriter with a strong passion for Scottish history.