Lamont Clan and Tartan Infomation
Gaelic Name: MacLaomainn
Crest: A dexter hand couped at the wrist, all Proper
Motto: Ne parcas nec spernas (Neither spare nor dispose)
Origin of Name: Norse, Lawman
Badge: Crab Apple Tree
Lands: Argyll and Cowal
Clan Chief: The Rev. Father Peter Lamont Of That Ilk
Associated Names The following names are considered septs of Clan Lamont: Aldownie, Aldowny, Bearden, Black, Blackie, Blaik, Blaikie, Blake, Blaker, Blakey, Broun, Brown, Bordon, Burden, Burdon, Burton, Clement, Clements, Lamb, Lamant, Lambie, Lamm, Lammie, Lammon, Lammond, Lamon, Lamond, Lamondson, Lamons, Lander, Landers, Learmonth, Leeman, Leemon, Lemmon, Lemmons, Lemon, Lemons, Lemond, Limon, Limond, Limont, Lhomond, Lomond, Lucas, Luck, Luckie, Luke, MacAldowie, MacAlduie, MacClammie, MacClammy, MacClement, MacClements, MacCluckie, MacClucky, MacClymont, MacEaracher, MacErcher, MacErracher, MacFarquhar, MacGilledow, MacGillegowie, MacGorie, MacGory, MacGorrie, Mackquein (Aliased as Lamont), MacIldowie, MacIlwham (and Wham), MacIlwhom, MacInturner, MacKerchar, MacKerracher, MacLammie, MacLammy, MacLamond, MacLaren, MacLellan, MacLemmon, MacLemon, MacLimans, MacLucas, MacLuckie, MacLucky, MacLugash, MacLuke, MacLusa, MacLymont, MacMunn, MacPatrick, MacPhunn, MacSorley, MacSurely, Mecklem, Meickleam, Meickleham, Meikle, Meikleham, Meiklehem, Meiklejohn, Meiklem, Munn, Munt, Paterson, Patersson, Patrick, Phorich, Sorlie, Sorly, Toward, Towart, Turner, White, Whyte, and YoungLamont Clan History
This clan descends from the original Scots who crossed the sea from Ireland, where their [...]
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